Sunday, 14 October 2012

Prayer Page… Magnify

Many years ago, I read this piece in Tommy Tenney’s book, ‘God’s Eye View’ and I want to share it with you.
‘Those who wait on the Lord…shall mount up with wings like eagles’

If you are soaring in His presence, then that means you are looking down on your problems. How do you wait on God? You worship Him. You anticipate divine needs and discern what the Holy Spirit wants. David, the psalmist declared under the anointing of God.”Oh magnify the Lord with me”. He was referring to worship. If worship magnifies, then does its absence MINIMIZE?

When you look through a magnifying glass at a grasshopper, you are not making the grasshopper bigger; you are just making it appear bigger. The process of worship does not make God bigger; it makes Him appear BIGGER.

Unlike the grasshopper, God is already BIGGER than all created beings, form and matter; yet the magnification of worship makes Him larger than YOUR view suddenly everything about Him gets bigger in your eyes. That means His capabilities get bigger. His power gets bigger and the force of all His promises and wonder is suddenly enlarges then you magnify the Lord.

I feel this meditation by Ian Shevil is so relevant for our world today even though it was written many years ago.

God Forgotten

Lord, how black and cruel your world can look
as each morning’s news,
brings us stories of crime, murders, fanaticisms.
You must forgive us, Lord, if we sometimes wonder
If you are still in control of this world.

Yet, Father we do know that in every faith
There are worshippers and suppliants before your throne
And You have promised
That the earnest prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
We do know the murmur from peaceful places
where simple men are praying,
easily drowns the shouting and the posturing
of agents of evil who scream and blaspheme.

Then too, there are all those arrow prayers
that Christians fire into the Heavens
from the bus, the beach, the office or the stove.
rising into the calm air of dawn or dusk
bearing a perfume so pure
that it destroys the stench of crime and evil.

And You have said that the rock of human faith
can divert the flow of human history.

Evelyn Colbran

Prayer Points:

· Thank Him for the freedom we have in this land.
· Pray that we will continue to have religious freedom here and that religious instruction can continue in our schools and for those who teach RE.
· Pray for our Chaplains as they serve in our schools
· Pray for Fathers
· Pray for the following churches within our movement
Chinchilla, Dalby, Fernvale, Garden City, Gatton, Gladstone, Gympie

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