Sunday, 7 October 2012

Dalby… footsteps

Rally Days

What an excellent day! The program this year was presented by Highfields Church of Christ. Eight churches attended, each brought a bible verse related to the theme. It’s incredible how every one was different.

Highfields has a special ministry – banners, and they brought them to show us. Hand painted on silk, each one had a different meaning. Historically, banners were used in Old Testament times, both in worship and often used battle. The standard bearer symbolically represents the king. I reflected on the recent Olympic Games where the athletes from each country entered the stadium holding their country’s flag/banner. Each banner that Highfields brought represented a particular characteristic of God. We each went forward and chose one to wave during the worship time.

Katie Lush gave a fresh and challenging message. ‘Whose footsteps are you following?’ was her first question. As we live in the 21st century we are forever being challenged by the pressures to be up-to-date. Even as Christians this can take over and we can lose sight of the One whose ‘footsteps’ we are to follow. Trying to be Jesus is impossible.  Katie suggested instead that great role models for us are the disciples. Each of them was different. They were unique, real individuals. They made mistakes, erred, but became mighty warriors for God. The one thing they had in common was that they were obedient; they followed in His ‘footsteps’. Katie assured us that we are unique and should stop trying to follow the world by being someone else. Follow Jesus, Who summed it up with these words, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart – all your mind – all your soul – all your strength”.  Remember it is the journey that is the crucial part and from a recent article for a uni assignment it stated about our spiritual journey that completely revolutionised Katie’s  thinking. It went like this...

 “The final destination of the spiritual journey is nowhere but the sacrament of the present moment, the here and now. Like God we too dally and dance in the present moment, because there is nothing else to get and there is nowhere else to be. God is here. Grace is here. And when we are here, we are home.”

Thank you Dalby church for opening your doors to us all, and catering the morning tea and lunch. Your hospitality was the best. Not one lady came away empty. We were fed spiritually and physically. Thank you.


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