If you change the life of a child, you change the world
This is Si Yan. One day, some years ago, I was visiting the orphanage in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. I asked the Director if I could have another child. I had room for one more.

All the eyes were begging.
I was well known by these children as I was a frequent visitor and they knew I was boss of the school. I reached over and picked Si Yan up and hugged her to myself. I promised the others that I would try to get them too, but they just had to wait…. And I was able to get most of them over the course of time as we opened more homes.
Si Yan kissed my cheek and I hugged her down two flights of stairs and into the lane leading to the road. We had an official meal we had to attend, but smell and all, I was not going to leave her in the orphanage another minute if I could help it and besides, they have been known to change their minds. I carried her home to Eagles’ Wings 1 (the first apartment I bought with my husband’s inheritance). Joy was the resident foster mother there then, so joy took her, bathed her and dressed her more appropriately as we had good heating in that home.
Si Yan loved being in Eagles’ Wings. I call my homes “Eagles’ Wings” because of Exodus 19:4b…. I raised you up on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
For awhile though, Si Yan had nightmares. She would cry out in the middle of the night: “baba, ge ge, bu zuo!!!” (Daddy, big brother, don’t go). She was subconsciously remembering being abandoned. They would have abandoned her knowing she could not walk.
Part of our work is to teach people that people with a disability can often lead productive lives if they are well cared for and educated. So we provided therapy, education, the essentials of life… food, clothing and shelter. But most importantly, she was loved.
Margaret, our in Australia administrator was with me that day when I carried her home. Margaret took her to her heart and formally sponsored her. This gave them a great connection as Margaret visits often. Si Yan’s self-esteem rose wonderfully and she began to thrive in every way. She loved going to the new little school I opened not far from where Eagles’ Wings 1 was. She struggled going up and down the stairs to school as Eagles’ Wings 1 is on the sixth floor. We moved her to Eagles’ Wings 6 which is on the ground floor. Every day she went back and forth to school in one of our three wheeled electric vehicles. Eleven children can fit in the tray of this vehicle and the children love it. They wave to the villagers as they pass and the villagers wave back in happy communion with the children.

Linda Shum
President/International Director
Chinese Orphans’ Assistance Team Inc
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