Monday, 10 September 2012

Walking with Farmers

Walking with Farmers  - 

Peach Blossoms & Double Yolkers

Wow! I was excited to see beautiful pink wild peach blossoms beside the roads, a sign of a new season – a new beginning. It does something to the heart to see these blooming amongst the frosted grass and other evidences of a hard winter. It reminded me that we must have tough times to appreciate the beauty and goodness that follow and to see how God works. God’s beauty is all around us, if we just have the eyes to see.

I was rejoicing over my lovely flowers which I had brought home and put in the kitchen, so I could be amazed each time I looked at them, when God had another surprise for me. I was making some cakes and I cracked a double yolker egg not once but twice (in the same carton). Another reminder of how God can use many tools to prompt our minds to ponder on His greatness. I was just so excited over my discoveries and could hear God whisper in my ear.

“See, my child spring in all its beauty, colour and creation follows the cold bleakness of winter. You just need to keep your eyes on me and I will walk you through the days when things are not so bright.”

Perhaps we need to keep a lookout for the special little ways that God is encouraging us in our everyday lives. Come on - rejoice, a new season is here. So maybe we can also start a new, fresh time in our own lives. Let’s look for God’s reminders and stand out like new blossoms of the peach. Then folk will see God’s light and love radiating from us.

Priscilla Gaston

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