Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
Isaiah 60:1
What an incredible day! Eighty ladies came to Gympie to hear from God, through two ordinary women used of God. It may have been rather a cool day on Saturday, August 4, but the sun and the Lord certainly shone on us all at the Shine Conference at Gympie Church of Christ. I am sure that each woman who attended went home feeling truly blessed.
Lexia and Sandy |
As well as Lexia and Sandy being the excellent, main speakers both morning and afternoon, we were privileged to hear and be touched by Jennie Drew’s talk and DVD on “Destiny Rescue”, an organisation helping young children get out of slavery and prostitution. I was horrified to learn that there are some parents who are so poor that they actually sell their babies for money to these dreadful people. The number of children in prostitution is staggering, so please pray for those helping in this organisation.
Georgianna Manthey |
Then 20 year old Georgianna Manthey told us of her time in Uganda working with the Watoto children and her love for them. So much in fact, that she is heading back there in December for another 6 months, waiting on the Lord to direct her path as to where He would have her go and serve after that. She has planned to be away for at least 2 years!!!!!
Linda Shum from COAT (Chinese Orphans Assistance Team) spoke of her time working in orphanages in China and again was most interesting and informative as well as giving us a laugh or two. She’s quite a character and probably need a sense of humour to be working there.
Kylie Read |
Then we heard from Kylie Read, the chaplain at James Nash High School. As we all know, chaplains are just amazing people who truly love God, young people, and want to help in any way possible by being a friend to them. So many young ones these days have a very hard life that few of us can imagine, and need that special someone that they can trust to talk to.
As well as being a chaplain, Kylie and a friend also run a horse ranch called “Hope Rising”. The name was taken from a book based on the American ranch where hurting people, both adults and children are put with hurting horses and both help each other to overcome these hurts and learn love. If you are an animal lover you will know how animals, horses and dogs (although I have seen all animals and birds with their own personality) have an amazing instinct and know when a person is feeling frightened, sad, hurting or are kind and love animals.
All in all it was an exceptional day. I ask each one who reads ConXion and this article to pray for those I have mentioned. If you would like to support any of them, please email Andi Owen to get their contact details. Each one of these women are doing the Lord’s work in amazing ways, at times under trying and hard circumstances. Start saving now and don’t miss out on next year’s Shine Conference—it will be a day you won’t forget!!!!!
Krysalus |
I would like to thank Andi and her team for organising this day, Krysalus for our worship time and preparing our hearts and minds to listen to the speakers and last but not least, the men of the Gympie Church who prepared the delicious morning tea and luncheon.
May God bless you all
Jeannie Rosendale
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