Next conXion will be out this coming weekend it will be bigger and better and will start appearing here early next week.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Monday, 10 September 2012
from the Editor’s Desk
Father’s Day is celebrated this month. This gives us an opportunity to reflect on our own fathers, grandfathers, in fact all the men who have been a part of our lives.
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The photo is of my Dad,
Rueben Pudney and myself the
last day I saw him 1984 in his garden
in Norwich, Norfolk, England
I lost my father 27 years ago. What was sad for me was that I was living here in Australia, and he in England, and I was in no position to say goodbye to him. That’s something I have often regretted, especially since I have been married and had a child. He missed meeting my husband Ron and his granddaughter Meg, and I missed sharing my family with him. As I reflect on Dad, it’s not all sad. He was a loving and caring man in whose arms I always felt totally safe. No one could cuddle me like my dad. But I have found a Father who surpasses all that my father could do for me, my Father in heaven. Brennan Manning in his book ‘The Signature of Jesus’ wrote:
‘If we take all the goodness, wisdom and compassion of the best mothers and fathers who have ever lived, they would only be a faint shadow of the love and mercy in the heart of the redeeming God.’
October 26 – 28 will be Girls’ Getaway Camp 2012, and I encourage all who can to take the time to come. The guest speaker this year is Carol Smith. Carol has a passion for helping and encouraging others to move forward in their Christian lives. Bel Thomson (nee Morrison) will be our guest artist. Bel has shared at our camp in Toowoomba and in many conferences that have been held over the years. She is a delight and shares God’s word in song beautifully. Girls’ Getaway will be a time for us to gather and share with each other in God’s word, make new friends and catch up with old ones. There will be plenty of surprises, and you will not be disappointed. You will be uplifted in a special way.
Roma Church of Christ will be holding their women’s conference ‘Abundance’ on Saturday 20 October. The theme this year is ‘Smile… and Shine Christ’. Joan Kambouris will be their guest speaker. Please check the advertisement in this edition for more details. ‘Abundance’, like Bundaberg Women’s Conference and ‘Shine’ in Gympie, are becoming a great way to reach those in your church and community, I want to encourage more of these special days as I believe God just loves to see women gather to share in His love.
In His love
Andi Owen
God Moments...
‘I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.’
Psalm 34:1
Praising God helps you see that God is bigger than your problems, your focus changes! Instead of dwelling on the problem and getting discouraged, your faith is released and you begin looking to God for solutions.
Praise is not a ‘Church thing’ – it’s a lifestyle! It’ll change your … approach to problems … your attitude toward people… and the atmosphere around you.
You will find more ‘God Moments’ happening to you.
I have had so many ‘God Moments’ in my life, and have often spoken about them. Sometimes receiving an unexpected book that had a special meaning in my life; many times obeying His soft whisper and visiting someone I would not see again on this earth; or at other times of being in imminent danger, but listening to His voice and took another direction; praying intently for someone and that person phoning later to say those prayers have been answered.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is sadness, joy; where there is darkness, light.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; not so much to be understood, as to understand; not so much to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying, that we are born again to eternal life.
In October, 1974, I went through one of the lowest points in my life, and my Christian Doctor gave me Alan Paton’s book ‘Instrument of Thy Peace’ and this prayer in it meant so much to me.
Make me, O Lord, the instrument of Thy love, that I may bring comfort to those who sorrow and joy to those who are regarded as persons of little account. In this country of many races make me courteous to those who are humble and understanding to those who are resentful. Teach me what I should be to the arrogant and cruel, for I do not know.
And as for me myself, make me more joyful than I am, especially if this is needed for the sake of others. Let me remember my many experiences of joy and thankfulness, especially those that endure. And may I this coming day do some work of peace for Thee.
Evelyn Colbran
Pattern of Words…
What you have heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Jesus Christ.
2 Timothy 1: 13
Have you ever listened to the conversations around you without contributing--- not listening so much to the words, but to the pattern of the discussion? Recently, while sitting alone in a coffee shop, with so many people around me deep in conversation with one another I thought of the patterns of words and the likely final outcome of their discussion… A person can tell just from listening whether an exchange will end in argument, laughter, gossip or many other possibilities.
The way words are shared leads the listener to know what is forthcoming.
If you are involved in the conversation, you can change the course by inserting something encouraging or discouraging. A person’s words have great power to shift the direction of any dialogue.
In the Bible God speaks to us in “patterns of sound words.” Words we can trust. God uses these words to guide, chastise and to encourage His people. The underlying message throughout the Bible shows God’s complete love for His children.
From the beginning in the Garden to the end in a new, heavenly home, God’s dialogue with us always consists of His love reaching out to draw us to Him. Be encouraged in His love and share that assurance with others when their pattern of words become discouraged.
Father, thank you for the words You’ve given to show us Your love.
As we travel through the Pattern of our lives,
Help our conversations to always reflect the reality of Jesus’ love. Amen
Elaine Hales
Walking with Farmers
Walking with Farmers -
Peach Blossoms & Double Yolkers

I was rejoicing over my lovely flowers which I had brought home and put in the kitchen, so I could be amazed each time I looked at them, when God had another surprise for me. I was making some cakes and I cracked a double yolker egg not once but twice (in the same carton). Another reminder of how God can use many tools to prompt our minds to ponder on His greatness. I was just so excited over my discoveries and could hear God whisper in my ear.
“See, my child spring in all its beauty, colour and creation follows the cold bleakness of winter. You just need to keep your eyes on me and I will walk you through the days when things are not so bright.”
Perhaps we need to keep a lookout for the special little ways that God is encouraging us in our everyday lives. Come on - rejoice, a new season is here. So maybe we can also start a new, fresh time in our own lives. Let’s look for God’s reminders and stand out like new blossoms of the peach. Then folk will see God’s light and love radiating from us.
Priscilla Gaston
Prayer Page…. Silver Linings
‘When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a Shepherd.’
Matthew 9:36
This whole Chapter speaks of the compassion of Jesus. I have spoken at ladies’ meetings to encourage the women, sometimes asking them to recall the ‘silver lining’ moments in their lives. I have mentioned events throughout the Bible - some of them miracles - but oh, what silver linings they have provided to those who received them. I will give just two of them…
Mark 2:13 &14 The tax collectors were hated and despised by the Jews, not only for extortion, but also because continual contact with Gentiles made such people ceremonially unclean. What a silver lining for Levi to be asked to accompany Jesus. It would be like the Queen or some other High Official asking you to go with them.
Matthew 9:20 - 22 Another two verses and another miracle. I think only women can appreciate what a silver lining that healing was in that woman’s life. Can you imagine constant bleeding for 12 years? Over 4380 days?
So we must truly be grateful for the silver linings in our lives, I like this quote by Dale Carnegie; ‘We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon – instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today.’
Billy Graham once said, ‘God has given us two hands – one to receive with and the other to give with. We are not made cisterns for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.’
As September is when we honour fathers I include this prayer;
Prayer for a Father
Mender of toys, leader of boys,
Changer of fuses, kisser of bruises,
Bless him, dear Lord.
Mover of couches, soother of ouches,
Pounder of nails, teller of tales,
Reward him, O Lord.
Raker of leaves, cleaner of eaves,
Dryer of dishes, fulfiller of wishes.
Bless him, O Lord.
Evelyn Colbran
(our resident Master Chef!)
With Father’s Day just around the corner, here’s a nice variation of the well-loved Surf and Turf. Impress your Dads and the whole family with this creamy delight. Father’s Day is the perfect time to indulge and treat everyone to something a little special.
2-4 steaks. I used angus ribeye, but anything above rump grade would suffice.
1/2 cup hoisin sauce
1/2 tsp celery salt powder
½ tsp cumin powder
1tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp crushed, minced coriander (or tbsp fresh chopped up coriander)
Salt and pepper
1/4 cup sake/white wine
1 tbsp butter
Olive oil to cook
Creamy prawns
500g cooked or uncooked prawns
1/2 cup sake/white wine or just freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 bunch shallots/spring onions
1 clove garlic
1/2 bunch coriander leaves
1 tbsp butter
3/4 cup pouring cream
Salt and pepper
1 packet fresh stir fry vegetables (pak choi, carrot, bamboo etc)
Small bunch coriander
2 tbsp hoisin sauce
Salt and pepper
Oil to cook
Marinate steak. Prepare hoisin sauce, celery seed powder, cumin powder, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, honey, coriander in a bowl, and then spread over the steak. Leave for half an hour or more.
Peel prawns. Soak in sake or a white wine, or just sprinkle with lemon juice.
Chop shallots finely, crush garlic, and chop coriander leaves.
Salt and pepper the steaks then fry them on high for 2-3 mins. Reduce to medium heat for another 2 mins before turning over. In the mean time, heat butter in a small pan and add shallots and garlic. Cook stirring quickly for 1 min. Add prawns and coat with butter (for raw prawns cook a little longer in butter until pink) then pour in the cream. Cook until heated through but not boiling. Simmering slightly is ok. Add coriander. Season with salt and pepper.
In a separate pan, heat oil and quickly fry vegetables on a high heat. Add hoisin sauce and salt and pepper. Stir through then transfer to serving plates with a lip (shallow bowls).
When steak is almost done to how you like it, splash wine over it in the pan and dob butter on top. Remove steak and cut into thin strips on a cutting board. Arrange over the top of the vegetables. Pour the prawns over the top.
Ouila! Deluxe turf and surf!
Shine Conference
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
Isaiah 60:1

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Lexia and Sandy |
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Georgianna Manthey |
Linda Shum from COAT (Chinese Orphans Assistance Team) spoke of her time working in orphanages in China and again was most interesting and informative as well as giving us a laugh or two. She’s quite a character and probably need a sense of humour to be working there.
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Kylie Read |
As well as being a chaplain, Kylie and a friend also run a horse ranch called “Hope Rising”. The name was taken from a book based on the American ranch where hurting people, both adults and children are put with hurting horses and both help each other to overcome these hurts and learn love. If you are an animal lover you will know how animals, horses and dogs (although I have seen all animals and birds with their own personality) have an amazing instinct and know when a person is feeling frightened, sad, hurting or are kind and love animals.
All in all it was an exceptional day. I ask each one who reads ConXion and this article to pray for those I have mentioned. If you would like to support any of them, please email Andi Owen to get their contact details. Each one of these women are doing the Lord’s work in amazing ways, at times under trying and hard circumstances. Start saving now and don’t miss out on next year’s Shine Conference—it will be a day you won’t forget!!!!!
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Krysalus |
May God bless you all
Jeannie Rosendale
It’s all about ME ...
It’s all about ME ...
For many years I had been feeling unfulfilled with life. I was able-bodied but feeling handicapped, married but feeling alone, working hard and earning a good salary but feeling broke and exhausted, and really feeling lost in a well structured and developed city because life was just not happening the way I wanted it to. I no longer wanted to live in Sydney!
Every single moment that passed, I sat day dreaming about a better life elsewhere. I dreamt mostly about going back to Africa where my 'real friends' and family lived; where labour was cheap so I could afford a cook, cleaner and gardener. With these things taken care of, life would be stress free! I would be able to afford myself more time on the things I wanted.
Despite being blessed with a good support system, all of this didn't seem much because I was not where I wanted to be in life. And at night I lay my head down on my pillow with a heavy chest and I wept bitterly in the night where no one could see my tears or hear my cries! Then I would awaken each day angrier at the world, and myself! I thought that if I had made different decisions in my life, maybe just maybe, things would have been different and I would have been closer to realising my dreams than I now was. Maybe then, I would have been happier!
These thoughts consumed my mind daily then would be followed by an intense emotion of guilt because I thought I was being ungrateful! I was. Picture your life as a movie and you watching yourself on a TV screen. Isn't it the saddest thing to watch yourself go through life waiting for it to begin and thinking that if things happened a certain way then that would separate the feeling of merely existing from living a life with purpose? And yet, life is what happened to us when we were too busy waiting for it to happen.
It wasn’t until I read "The happiest of people did not have everything that they wanted: They just made the best of what they had" that my mindset began to shift. I desperately wanted to be happy because being unhappy was slowly 'wearing' me away! And because regardless of where I was on earth it was possible to be happy! But in order for me to be happy, I realised that I needed to be grateful for what I already had. Easier said than done, huh
But what drove me was remembering each time that while I was unhappy about not being able to afford a new-season designer pair of shoes, there was a person in the world without feet who was probably grateful for not having any feet because he wouldn't have to be moved from his loved ones to go and fight in a war torn country!
So every morning when I felt miserable and helpless for the things that I could not change, instead of worrying or complaining about what was not working in my life (why this person had done this to me, why I was always last in line, why life was so hard, why, why, why?) I made the conscious decision to be grateful. As soon as my feet touched the ground in the morning I began to say 'thank you' for all the things I was grateful for. Thank you for the things that I had. Thank you for having been blessed with all that I needed. Thank you that I HAD ENOUGH!
On my bus ride to work in the city I would say 'thank you' rather than ask God for the things I wanted. I would say, "Thank you for a new day. Thank you for the air in my lungs. Thank you for my two hands. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"
Even when I was experiencing such a terrible day at work and wanted to quit my job, I would say, "Thank you for the job that paid bills. Thank you for my salary that puts food on the table, a roof over my head and clothes on my body!" The more sincere I was, the more I realised I had a lot to be grateful for, and the less time I had to be unthankful for everything because my blessings were too numerous to mention! The less I worried about the things I did not have because I had enough, the happier I felt. The happier life felt, the better I felt. When I began to feel really good and grateful about everything in my life, the better things that happened. Suddenly I was having the best time of my life!
But all of that did not come easy. Sometimes, my low emotions superseded my high emotions. It was unpleasant moving around with a heavy chest but wearing a smile when with friends and family. However perseverance kept me going! When I seemed to fall back on worry and regret, I reminded myself of the person with no feet and quickly shifted my focus to that of gratitude.
Through my struggle, I reminded myself again and again that life was really what I chose to make of it. If I chose to be miserable then I would, without doubt, attract misery! But when I shifted my mindset and chose to be happy no matter what happened to me, there was a positive spin to every situation regardless of if it were good or bad. I constantly reminded myself how blessed I was.
As humans we have the ability to shift our minds, emotions or feelings. Is it the things that we tell ourselves that we come to believe or the imprint they make on our hearts that shift us? If so, imagine the power or energy we possess and how much MORE we can become?
In my novel, 'Perception - Every young woman's battle to overcome her past', I talked about the words of Devine Miller who said that no matter how dreadful the course of her life had been, she would re live the same life and re endure the things that she had because in the end, she had a pocket full of past to share with her little ones; displaying gratitude on a higher level which all of us can attain, if we only shift our minds.
Kapesa Singogo Smith-Chatterjee
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