Sunday, 5 August 2012

Vietnam reflections

My first impressions when arriving in Vietnam were of heat, humidity, and the chaos and noise of motorbikes everywhere!

However visiting “Bright Solutions” was like stepping into an oasis of peace. It was not simply the absence of horns, engines and moving chaos; it was being somewhere where women were happy to work, and where the peace of God seemed to rest. We had the opportunity to watch the work and to interview the women. It was lovely to hear:

“I love the company because it creates jobs for the poor”
“It helps me in learning new skills”
”What we learn is very inspiring”

  We also had the opportunity to meet with John and Lan Dean. They have been involved with building adequate housing for a formerly nomadic people group who have been ordered to settle in an area. They have been involved in drilling over 60 wells for safe water supply, and have set up toilets and water supplies for schools that have lacked both. They are beginning a project that will involve training 500 women in rubber tapping and 200 in rearing chickens, as well as with further building and sanitation work. We were able to hear Lan’s story of coming to faith, and were inspired by the peace and joy on her face as she shared about the Lord’s work in her life.

Finally, we were also able to share with Pastor T about her work with the church in Vietnam. Despite the many difficulties she has faced in life and ministry, her face was all lit up with the joy and the love of the Lord as she shared her life story. (I have not included her photo for security reasons)


 The impressions I take away from Vietnam are of faces: Fiona Brier’s animation as she shares each morning, the women working together at “Bright Solutions”, John and Lan Dean sharing their stories, the evident presence of God shining through the face of Pastor T. I feel I have been blessed beyond measure to meet these amazing people, and that God has sown something precious in my heart as a result. I would certainly encourage others considering visiting Vietnam to contact the GMP office, and find out whether they might be able to make some personal connections with Churches of Christ representatives in Vietnam. I am reminded of Paul’s heart as he wrote to the church in Rome: (Romans 1: 11 – 12 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.) I have certainly been deeply encouraged by the faith of these Christian leaders in Vietnam.

Janet Woodlock 
I work for Churches of Christ Vic/Tas in women's ministry and leadership coaching. I blog (occasionally!) at have two silly fluffy little dogs, two adorable boys and (mercifully) only one adorable husband.

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