‘A man was going down from Jerusalem… and he fell among robbers… leaving him half dead. Now by chance a Priest… likewise a Levite… passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan… had compassion… and took care of him… go and do likewise.’
By chance we meet many people in life who are in need. From among them we can find a neighbour, a person to whom we can show mercy, a person who needs love, care and understanding.
The person who is lonely, outcast, despised, rejected, worried, depressed, sorrowing or poor IS OUR NEIGHBOUR.
My children are fascinated by the ‘use by’ date that is stamped on everything we buy. It almost governs what they eat. They look at the ‘use by’ date before they check the price, weight or list of contents. And there is a rush to use the product BEFORE the ‘use by’ date.
Each of us has a ‘use by’ date stamped on us to. God does have a time of reckoning. ONLY HE KNOWS WHAT THE DATE IS, although sometimes we can guess.
We have to remember that one day our life on earth will run out, but we should not worry about when this will be. Let us rather consider how to use the life we have now, using each precious moment we have for the best. And let us ALWAYS be ready to give a good account of the faith and hope that is in us. (1Peter 3:15).
The Bible says the name BARNABUS means ‘son of encouragement’, most of us can recall ONE or more encouragers in our own lives… perhaps a parent, teacher or someone else who offered a reassuring word or helpful advice at a turning point.
Being an encourager lies at the very heart of Christianity. Paul commended early church members for their helpfulness. He urged them to ‘encourage one another, and help one another, just as you are doing’ (1Thess 5:11). How do we follow through with Paul’s admonition today?
Evelyn Colbran
Prayer Coordinator
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