Wow! Praise God! What a camp! Thank you Camp Committee.
Ladies, if you didn’t attend this camp you missed out on a great weekend listening to some inspiring speakers, just worshipping the Lord and fellowshipping with like-minded women.
Around 85 women attended and more arrived for the day on the Saturday with Carol Smith being the guest speaker. Carol began by asking, “If I’m not reading the Bible, why not?” Then went on to challenge us— “It is the best gift given to us to change the world and it gives us instructions. It is the Word of God and we connect with Jesus through God’s Word." There was much in the three sessions but I need to tell you more!
Before morning tea Christine Collinson from Destiny Rescue shared with us about the slave trade in the world, especially with little girls being traded into prostitution. After Carol’s sessions on Saturday morning and a delicious lunch (all the meals were just wonderful as were the morning and afternoon teas and suppers– one never goes hungry) there was scrapbooking or free time.
After dinner that night, there was a Country & Western Concert with Bel Thompson leading and others doing various skits or dancing. Then came line dancing which many tried and all had a very enjoyable night. Sunday morning after breakfast there was a Communion and Praise Time. Gloria Flett gave the communion talk, beginning with a mime with ‘How deep the Father’s love for us’ playing. Then reminded us that it is through God’s grace we are saved from our sin because Jesus took our place on the cross. Then we sang ’Because He Lives’ . It was a very moving service. God was there with us.
After that service Carol spoke again. After morning tea we heard from two other very interesting speakers the first speaker Ruth Tuxworth who works in the Philippines as a High School chaplain at the Faith Academy High School. She also told us a story from the “Threads of Hope” ministry. Since Andi plans to include the full story in this issue, I’ll just say that “Threads of Hope” has helped to stop many little girls from being abused and ending up in prostitution. Ruth has an amazing way of telling stories and is truly an inspirational person to listen to and used by God. Maybe you would like to support Ruth in her work or by buying some ‘Threads of Hope’.
The third speaker was Pricilla who writes for ConXion, and helps numerous farm families out west by giving whatever she can. She told her own story of how she and her husband had worked a cane farm for many, many years but due to bad years had to auction the farm off. It sold at once, which happens rarely. Pricilla said that God had laid it on her heart many years before to go and help the farmers out west and so God’s plan was starting to come to fruition. She told us just how hard it is for the farmers after the years of drought, then the floods. None of them want charity, but because she has been through it all, God uses her to reach these tough people. Of course it is extremely hard for them and some contemplate suicide and then there are the children. Christmas is coming! Will these children receive anything at all? I think of the ‘Samaritan’s Purse’ boxes that are filled and sent to children overseas. But what of our own here who don’t receive anything? Would any women’s group like to support Pricilla in her work, or do up boxes for the children? Email Andi she will give you Pricilla’s contact information.
Jeannie Rosendale
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