Monday, 16 July 2012

Karen's Page

Hopes and Dreams

One Friday afternoon last month, myself and many others stood on the edge of one of the motel’s pools, here in Dubai , watching 14 people from different cultures and backgrounds being baptised in the name of Jesus.  What an exciting time it was and what a buzz there was in the air as in this public place these people were not only openly being baptised but they were telling their testimony for everyone to here. These people varied in age, height, colour and backgrounds but all were united in Christ.  Each had their own story to tell that was diverse and exciting.
God knows what is needed to bring people to him and the time that should happen.  One girl in particular that stood out in the crowd, was glowing as she gave her testimony.  She was particularly excited and her testimony was compelling because God had made a dramatic change to her life.  You see, this girl had been a Muslim, her family still were, and God had reached out and pulled her out of her darkness and into his light.
What made her realise that Jesus was Lord and not a prophet?  What made her overcome her fear of being disowned from her family for believing that Jesus is Lord and Saviour?  What made her realise that what she had been taught against Christianity was a lie?  How did God reveal himself to her so that He was real to her?
Her testimony was about how Christ had revealed himself to her in a dream.  This girl didn’t even know who Jesus was until after the dream.  She asked her mum who was a Muslim, who told her that he was a prophet but she knew from the dream that he was more than that.

She also knew then, that He was real and she started seeking out Christians who were able to give her a Bible to read.  As she read, the word revealed to her the truth and what she dreamt now made more sense and convicted her that Jesus was the way, the truth and the life and that through him was the only way to be with God in heaven.
Quite often I hear of God speaking to Muslims through dreams and once they have heard who Jesus is and that He is real, they immediately worship him.  Muslims need a sign or wonder for them to realise that they are on the wrong path before they will leave their families and drop the life they know and follow Jesus, because they are very dependent on their family for everything and to disobey their parents and to go against their teachings is shameful and can lead them being cut off or considered dead.
In Acts 2:17 and similarly Joel 2: 28 , God says that in the last days, I will pour out my spirit on all people, Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions.
Even though this testimony was exciting, the other testimonies were just as special because they testified how Christ revealed himself to them and that in itself is extraordinary.  Hearing these testimonies and witnessing these baptisms encouraged me and lifted up my faith here in this place, to know that God is working in our midst and has reminded me that He never leaves us nor forsakes us wherever we are.   May you be encouraged to share your testimony to bring hope to others .
Karen Kirby

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