Friday, 20 July 2012

From the Editor's desk


Well I am still enjoying putting together this small magazine!! I have been challenged by why conXion? What is it’s purpose? Who enjoys receiving and reading it? 

 My conclusion is this conXion is all about ordinary women writing for ordinary women serving an extraordinary God, this is the heart of conXion.

How long it’s been running I really don’t know, all I know it started from humble beginnings, it was a newsletter keeping the women of Queensland in touch with each other. In those days computers didn’t exist and as for the internet I imagine it was someone’s pipe dream, we have come far.

I am delighted that we have Karen Kirby back again writing for us, her stories from Dubai in the past have held great interest and following. I am always looking for new writers to share their story, you don't need a degree just the passion for women and writing into their lives. When I first became a member of WMT and Jeannie Rosendale was the editor I used to think well conXion that’s not for me, reading it no problem, writing forget it. Well God has other ideas didn’t He . I don’t believe I am the best of writers but He gives me all I need, an extraordinary God. During the next few months we will be introducing those who are giving us such amazing articles.
July is becoming a busy month so how about becoming  part of Women’s Ministry Month by supporting the various events that are happening throughout our State such as a Women’s Conference to High Tea I encourage each of you if you can to attend one of these events to do so, remember each of them is being held especially for those of you who attend and as I personally know, when others from other Churches come to an event my Church holds, my heart sings.

I leave you with these words:

“May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.”
~ Teresa of Avila

In His love
Andi Owen

Thursday, 19 July 2012

God Moments

 Thinking on God MomentsI thought of the choices of change in one’s life.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint.
                                            Isaiah 40 : 31 

I have at times had certain moments I wished I could have changed… Change is a natural part of life.  At times we may be prisoners of old habits – good and bad. When it comes to change we have a decision to make… just like the Eagle…

I recently read how the eagle has the longest life span among birds.  It can live up to 70yrs, but to reach this age, the eagle has to make a hard decision.  In it’s 40’s the eagle’s long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey, which serves as food.  It’s long and sharp beak becomes bent and it’s old and heavy wings covered with feathers that have grown thick over the years, become thick and stuck to it’s chest, making it difficult to fly.
The eagle is then left with two options, die or go through a painful process of change, which lasts 150 days.  The difficult process requires the eagle to fly to a mountain top and sit on it’s nest.  There the eagle knocks it’s beak against a rock until the beak falls off.  The eagle will then wait for the new beak to grow back and use the new beak to pluck out it’s talons.  When the new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking out all the old feathers.  After 5 months the eagle takes a famous flight of rebirth and lives another 30yrs.

But for us humans,  changes that we may make aren’t as painful and  may come in “God Moments” with God asking us to step out in faith and make  changes in your day to day life.
Perhaps making room to try something new.
This year, in a God Moment,  I have stepped outside my comfort zone to write for Conxion each month, and as each month goes by and with God’s help I found  I can do this…
We don’t have to be afraid of the unknown…. God waits for us to take that first step.
Faith is a step by step process  just like it was for the eagle step by step.
Writing on “Patterns of life” I thought at the time was a huge step for me to take let alone writing on “God Moments” when it was my turn  and I thought at the time “God how can I do this?” but faith in God has shown me anything is possible through Him… Then opening my Bible this week another “God Moment” this verse stared up at me!!

Live one day at a time, our lives can sometimes be filled with fear. We worry about the future and lose confidence. Jesus says to take one day at a time.
Matthew 6 :33 – 34
Our God is an awesome God! Listen for “God Moments”
Incidentally, “One day at a time” had already been chosen for our Luther Heights Camp
later this year some months ago!!! How amazing is that!!!
Elaine Hales

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Patterns In Daily Life…

Patterns prevail every part of our lives
We experience patterns from child’s play to career choices
· The toddler separates red blocks from blue blocks
The separation is a pattern: the reds go here, the blues go there
· A first grader makes a pattern with stamps or stickers
· While in primary school we learn that multiples of five end in five or zero – another    pattern
· In High School, students learn that in mathematics from algebra to calculus is all about function, which is the pattern of how one number changes into another
· In careers --- The stock trades looks for trends – patterns – in the stock market
· Designers of all kinds create beautiful and functional patterns, ranging from the pattern in fabric to the way rooms are arranged in a house to the order of images in a TV commercial.
But above all these there is God’s patterns throughout the Bible to guide us and teach us…
What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 2 Timothy 1:13
As I search the Scriptures in the Bible on God’s patterns I have been pondering over Knowing God’s Will. Knowing God’s will can be a daunting question for some of us. No one wants to miss knowing God’s will. It’s normal, and it’s human.
Live Your Passion. What are you passionate about? You could be passionate about missions, preaching, worship, writing, a particular craft etc, and the list goes on… Why are you passionate about the particular things you are passionate about? The reason is because God put them there! It’s not by chance or random encounters that we have that particular passion. If you are passionate about something, it’s part of God’s will for your life. It is God’s will that you live your personality and your talents.  Each of us has been created uniquely and our particular design of talents points us to God’s will in our lives.

He alone designs the patterns of our lives.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is --- his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2

The only decision God does not want us to make is the decision to sin or resist His will. God wants us to make choices that are in agreement with his will. So, how do you know what God’s will is for you? If you are truly desiring God’s will for your life, God will place His desires on your heart.  The key is wanting God’s will, not your own.

Elaine Hales

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Seeing the world through different eyes

“Give me your eyes for just one second, give me your eyes so I can see, everything that I’ve been missing, give me love for humanity”, these are the words to another song I love and pray each time I hear it but I never realised how dangerous that prayer was until just recently.

Over the last few weeks I have experienced emotional pain and seen things in a way I think I never really wanted to. I have had to face the world through the eyes of someone who has almost never experienced happiness, never experienced real peace or even lived in love. I have entered a place of darkness and it is not pretty.
My thoughts run wild as I think about our pain and how God must see things. If it took only one person to take me to this place through their pain then I shudder to think what it would be like if God really were to open my eyes to every person’s pain. Would I cope? Would I really want to know? What would I do if I could see all these things? How would my world change?

I came from a country where really bad things happen and I have often conveyed the stories to people here who wonder how we lived that way and yet I see things here and I stand in awe wondering how people survive some of the heartache they need to face.

My Mum asked me once, if I had an opportunity to throw all my worst problems in a bucket along with other peoples and draw out someone else’s, would I want to do that?

I know that my answer is a resounding NO! I thank God for what has come my way, for strength to face it and the wisdom I have obtained through overcoming it.

Shed 19 and Hope Link
A Ministry of Gladstone Church of Christ


Monday, 16 July 2012

Karen's Page

Hopes and Dreams

One Friday afternoon last month, myself and many others stood on the edge of one of the motel’s pools, here in Dubai , watching 14 people from different cultures and backgrounds being baptised in the name of Jesus.  What an exciting time it was and what a buzz there was in the air as in this public place these people were not only openly being baptised but they were telling their testimony for everyone to here. These people varied in age, height, colour and backgrounds but all were united in Christ.  Each had their own story to tell that was diverse and exciting.
God knows what is needed to bring people to him and the time that should happen.  One girl in particular that stood out in the crowd, was glowing as she gave her testimony.  She was particularly excited and her testimony was compelling because God had made a dramatic change to her life.  You see, this girl had been a Muslim, her family still were, and God had reached out and pulled her out of her darkness and into his light.
What made her realise that Jesus was Lord and not a prophet?  What made her overcome her fear of being disowned from her family for believing that Jesus is Lord and Saviour?  What made her realise that what she had been taught against Christianity was a lie?  How did God reveal himself to her so that He was real to her?
Her testimony was about how Christ had revealed himself to her in a dream.  This girl didn’t even know who Jesus was until after the dream.  She asked her mum who was a Muslim, who told her that he was a prophet but she knew from the dream that he was more than that.

She also knew then, that He was real and she started seeking out Christians who were able to give her a Bible to read.  As she read, the word revealed to her the truth and what she dreamt now made more sense and convicted her that Jesus was the way, the truth and the life and that through him was the only way to be with God in heaven.
Quite often I hear of God speaking to Muslims through dreams and once they have heard who Jesus is and that He is real, they immediately worship him.  Muslims need a sign or wonder for them to realise that they are on the wrong path before they will leave their families and drop the life they know and follow Jesus, because they are very dependent on their family for everything and to disobey their parents and to go against their teachings is shameful and can lead them being cut off or considered dead.
In Acts 2:17 and similarly Joel 2: 28 , God says that in the last days, I will pour out my spirit on all people, Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions.
Even though this testimony was exciting, the other testimonies were just as special because they testified how Christ revealed himself to them and that in itself is extraordinary.  Hearing these testimonies and witnessing these baptisms encouraged me and lifted up my faith here in this place, to know that God is working in our midst and has reminded me that He never leaves us nor forsakes us wherever we are.   May you be encouraged to share your testimony to bring hope to others .
Karen Kirby

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Seasons in My Life

As a woman, we often find ourselves talking about seasons of our lives.  I find myself approaching a new season of change in my work as I move on from working as admin support for Jan Christensen Global Mission Partners Qld Mobiliser.

It has been a journey of learning, a seasons of working with a mission organisation where I previously had no heart or knowledge.  What a growing experience!  I am grateful for the opportunity to have added my skills to a team, to release others to do what they do best. But I also find myself reflecting on the myriad of ways that I can continue, allowing God to grow a mission heart, now my direction is changing at work.

I know that not everyone can jump on plane (not something that I can see myself doing straight away!) but there are other ways to be involved.

I can pray for our partners – News is updated on the In Partnership website
I can give – There are church development projects, aid program and child sponsorships
I can support short term teams that go
I can facebook and keep up to date
I can collect stamps (How hard is it to save the stamps that come through my way?)
Encourage our visiting partners – come listen to their journey when they visit
What about if I join a mission action group

In fact I really have to find an implausible excuse not to keep involved and growing.

And maybe, I could go … but that’s another story

Can I encourage you to find where you can be involved, it can be big or small, just suit the season of your life.

Serving in Christ’s Love

Saturday, 14 July 2012

From our Churches

Rosevale Women’s Fellowship
50TH Anniversary Luncheon

The Rosevale Women's Fellowship celebrated their 50th anniversary on 5th June, 2012.

It was wonderful to see the Chapel filled with many ladies, and a few men, both from the local area, Brisbane, Nambour, Toowoomba and many other places as well as New South Wales.  It was a day filled with many blessings.

Marilyn Wainwright shared the history of the Ladies Fellowship.

Other speakers were Shirley Mansell  who spoke about the life of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was healed, the theme for the day being " Women of the Bible".  Evelyn Colbran reflected on the lives of Mary and Martha.

Barbara Shipton (nee Christensen) was able to come home, and share with those gathered, some stories and minister in song with daughter Holly.

Over one hundred meals were served consisting of a hot roast dinner and desert. Three original members of the Ladies' Fellowship were given the privilege of cutting the birthday cake - Sheila Leitch, Lori Schulz and Serophene Christensen.

Our 50th Anniversary Recipes and Memorabilia Book was on sale for $10.  The ever popular after lunch stall was again a feature of the celebrations with cakes,slices, biscuits, fruit and veg., jams, pickles and plants on sale.

We thank God for the many ladies who worked so hard to make the day an experience to be remembered by those who attended.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Never a Dull Moment!

Barker family newsletter, May 2012

 Dear friends and family,

We feel like we started the year with a bang and it has continued that way.

For those of you following Ash’s Facebook you will be aware of the volume of media exposure the ministries of UNOH, both here and in Australia and New Zealand, have had over these past few months. This doesn’t seem to be slowing down with the recent FOX sports segment on the Klong Toey Football Team and Poo and her award winning cookbook continuing to draw worldwide media attention (The BBC radio reported that she has had 24 million Google hits). All of this has meant that Ash and I feel like we are certainly living life in the fast lane, and the under the radar style of ministry we tried to maintain in Bangkok is no longer possible. At the same time there have been some amazing ministry opportunities that have arisen as a result, and with Ash gaining his PhD recently means new roles and responsibilities for us all.

At a local level God has blessed us with many new and exciting things in the last 6 months and we can really see His hand at work in both our lives and the lives of our neighbours. One of these is the young leaders program run by 2 of my young Thai staff, Kook (25yrs),Nut(21) and Chyo(19)yrs. Along with the support of fellow UNOH worker Alisha and myself they run a fortnightly program for 17 children aged between 9-11year from our neighbourhood. The idea being to prepare these future leaders for engaging life outside of the slum, teaching them how to talk and act outside of the community, and how to hope and dream for a better future- something not natural for these children- many who have been beaten up rather than brought up.  Anthropologist Oscar Lewis says of children born into a culture of poverty. “….by the time these children are 6 years old, they have taken on the values, beliefs and culture of poverty that surrounds them, making them unable to make the most of good opportunities that may come their way as adults.” Kook, Nut and Chyo are committed to helping these kids and modelling a hope for their future. Alisha and I are committed to supporting this initiative and pray for transformation in these precious little lives. It is really exciting to see how God is at work in Chyo, Nut and Kooks lives also.

The Klong Toey Football club - which Ash and the Thai staff have been faithfully developing over the last 10 years- is finally getting some opportunities and recognition that is changing the lives of these boys and young men. As I sit in an air-conditioned café writing this it is 45 degrees outside, and Ash and 30 of our boys (Under 13) are training in the middle of the Thai Port FC (or Ta Rua FC, our professional National League team) pitch. Our boys have been chosen to represent Thai Port FC this season with their first official match on Sunday. At the same time we have another 60 kids playing in 2 other tournaments across Bangkok.  Last Sunday our boys had a chance to perform in front of the manager for player recruitment for the British team Tottenham Hot Spurs and his talent scouts. They are looking to offer scholarships for 8 Thai players. They were very impressed with our kids who were thrilled with the chance. (Ash was a bit conflicted being a Man U support – Please pray!) And yesterday Japanese talent scouts at our training were looking for players. Sadly none of this translates to funding to keep running this program this year. Thanks to the hard work of our amazing volunteers in Bangkok we have raised 57% of this years budget and are still in need of a major sponsor- or many small ones at $200 per kid per year. God has been really faithful in the last 2 years and I am really unable to explain how we have sustained this big program as it expanded so rapidly. (5 Loaves and 2 fish maybe?)

Thank-you again, and again, all of you who faithfully support our family. We are very conscious that we have never gone without even in these tough financial times, and we continue to be able to serve the poor in Klong Toey on your behalf.  At this 10 year mark in Klong Toey, we feel like we can actually see hope rising in the despair here. Life continues to be tough but our friends and neighbours are truly embracing a God that doesn’t promise to protect us from the pain and crap that life throws at us- but rather gets in there with us, alongside us, helping us find His hope in the midst of life and all it brings. Life is messy and my God is a God of peace and hope within the mess. I hope this is how you experience His amazing love also!

Love and Thanks In Christ
Ash Anji Amy Aiden and Film

An eye operation, a hip operation, and a full set of rotten teeth taken out and replaced with metal –photo taken before.

Prayer Page

During the religious oppression in China in the 1950’s, a small child named Mei was in prison with her Christian Mother.  She had a remarkable faith and believed that the spirit comes to all Christians much as the Bible says: “Peter and John placed their hands on (the Believers), and they received the Holy Spirit”. Found in Acts: 8 – 17, and so she requested and received the Holy Spirit in this way.  Meanwhile, unsuspecting Chinese guards let Mei run freely throughout the prison.

When Christians outside the prison found a way to smuggle Communion to prisoners, it was Mei who gave it to them – even those in solitary confinement.  She said, “I’m not afraid; the Spirit is within me.”

How do we experience the Spirit’s presence in our everyday life?

“The Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control.”
Galatians 5: 22 – 23

Christians are noticeable because of Christ living in them. A Christian always obeys God, always helps others, always loves, and always tries to be happy.

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.”
Isaiah 40: 31

This verse rings so true in my life.  Thankfulness to God is a minute by minute way of life to me.  I constantly lean on Him.  My feet know it as surely as my head and heart. Do you feel how much you are indebted to the Saviour?

“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4: 13 (NIV)

Prayer Points:

· The Barkers Ash and Anji as they try and get a healthy balance between family and ministry life & Amy Aiden & Film
· UNOH the work of this ministry in Australia New Zealand & Thailand
· Pray for the following Churches within our movement
Bongeen  -  Boonah  -  Boondall  -  Bribie Island  -  Brisbane North

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Who's side are you on?

With the State of Origin games and school athletics carnivals there has been a lot of talk about sporting teams and people everywhere are becoming passionate about their team. They talk about it, wear clothes representing it, have signs on their cars, paint their faces and sing crazy songs. Most people are very proud of the colours they wear and cheer on their team and defend them at any opportunity.

I came under a bit of heat recently when I wore a red shirt to a sports carnival. The problem was that I am actually in the yellow team, but didn't have a yellow shirt ;). The yellow team wasn't happy that I had absconded due to fashion, and the red team weren't happy because I wasn't wholeheartedly supporting them. I think they were a little offended that I was wearing their colour and not a true supporter at heart! Even though I prefer red, and red was winning, I was quickly reminded "You can't 'prefer' a side, you are either a supporter or not!" You don't support a team while they are popular or support them while it makes you liked. A true supporter will still be a proud supporter in the midst of opposition and attack from rivals. (I think they like the banter!)

People are often known and remembered by what they are passionate about. And even more so when they pass that passion on to others. Leaving a legacy is living by our convictions, not our preferences.
Preferences are subject to change: changes with mood, with peer pressure, with what 'works for me' at the time, what makes me feel good and what makes me happy. Convictions remain the same and provide an anchor for feelings, emotions, and decisions even in the toughest of times.

Being a follower of Jesus is not about preferences. You won't last very long on the journey if you are committed to having your own needs for happiness fulfilled. If you pray when you need something, serve when you're saluted, give when you are shown gratitude, obey when it suits you and love when it feels good you are sitting out, missing out and selling out.

Being a follower of Jesus is a life changing, eternity altering, exciting adventure but it is not for the casual supporter. You are welcome to be a casual supporter with a season ticket to Sunday services, but that's not even a glimpse of the camaraderie, conviction and calling of the true adventure of a life with Christ.

I am wearing my colours proud. I will be a graciously outspoken follower of Christ. I will not dis' your decision but I'll excitedly tell you how Good it is to be on This side. I will unashamedly invite you to join us. And I will pray my heart out that you do.

Who's side are you on?


Last year I came across this

                                         PRAYER OF MY HEART

Lord, please remodel and refurbish my heart.
Raise the ceiling in Faith’s room so I can stretch and grow.
Add tall windows in Peace’s room so it can stream out to shine on others.
Construct balconies in Joy’s room so it can dance their length, clearly visible to         all.
Build a basement in Love’s room so it will become deeper, stronger and
Knock out walls and tear out floors in Gratitude’s room so it will pour out like a          river.
Light a lamp and add a sofa in Grace’s room so all who come will want to stay.
May every room in my heart be decorated with a new song for You, Lord.

by Rachel Wallace – Oberle.

Evelyn Colbran
Prayer Coordinator