Friday, 15 June 2012


The Relentless Tide of God’s Love…

“I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” Psalm 52:8

In the 70’s we lived for a time just outside Townsville with Bluewater Beach a few kilometres away and in the cool of the day after school I would take my girls there to play. We would sit on the beach and watch the waves as they crashed in and washed out again, as they crashed against the rocks with an amazing spray of ocean droplets like diamonds in the late afternoon sun.

The heavy rock formations along the beach were carved in amazing shapes by the waves as the relentless tide took them out and bought them in again.  Thinking back on those years and remembering of sitting and watching the never ceasing motion of the waves, I thought of God’s love. Much like the ocean it beats a steady constant rhythm in our lives, washing over the hard places creating newness that we may marvel at.  Sometimes it comes in gentle waves and warms our hearts.  Other times his love crashes in on us in surprising ways that, catch us off guard.  Yet His love is sure and will never fail us.

Just like the tide that comes in and goes out daily we can rest assured that God’s love is never ending as he continues to create new and wonderful formations in the patterns of our lives. His faithful love can be depended on in the gentle waves that he weaves throughout our lives surrounding us daily.  Though it is not always predictable and tame, God’s love is always good!  Trust it. He is your faithful God and He loves you with an everlasting love.

Elaine Hales

Approach each new day with desire to find Me. Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. Search for deep treasure as you go through this day. You will find Me all along the way. ~Jesus Calling
 Father God, just like your wonderful creation of sea and waves, Your love never ceases. Thank you for washing over our lives with your amazing love and grace.  Help us to trust your love always, even when it seems hard to understand. Thank you Lord, In Jesus name we pray.

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