Sunday, 17 June 2012

From the Editor's Desk

 Well this is my first edition as Editor of Conxion and I have thoroughly enjoyed putting it together finding pictures to enhance articles and generally playing with my creative side! Great fun.

It’s June! and we are half way through this year not sure how you our reader feels but I keep looking over my shoulder wondering what happened and where did it go!!! Gone it has and we are only half way through this year.

This morning I had to be up before dawn to take our Youth Leader Deb to Brisbane to see a neurosurgeon about her back, a challenging start to the day. So I am sitting in the coffee shop with my laptop writing my comments, not for one minute did I think I would be doing this today or any day for that matter but I am so glad I now own a laptop as I am able to take it with me and write to my heart’s content. As I sit here and observe people coming and going I realise how fortunate I am as I have good health and the only reason I come to a hospital is to bring or visit someone, I am blessed.

July is Women’s Ministry Month a time for us to uphold women, women in our church, women in our community, women in need, women as I sit in the hospital cafĂ©  who are being challenged by their health issues, women who live in countries where they are persecuted for their faith, who are being treated as second class citizens by their husbands and families just because they are a woman, so please take time this month to pray for women.
I encourage our churches to put some time aside to acknowledge and celebrate the women of their church and also women who aren’t as privileged as we are.

“Who can find a virtuous woman?
For her price is far above rubies.”
Proverbs 31:10.

As you will see by the advertisement in this month’s Conxion Bundaberg Church of Christ are holding their Conference again this year and it’s looking like it is going to be an awesome day. Pam Hine and Donna Savill will be sharing what God has laid on their hearts; the theme is ‘Love Unfailing’. Their guest artists are Renee Shibuya & Carolyn Gee from Living Hope Church of Christ Caboolture who will be leading the worship times and a young lady singer Claire Luttrell, so I encourage those who can to register for this most special day, which begins at 8am with breakfast and finishes with dinner at 5:30pm so you will be fed in more ways than one.

In His love
Andi Owen

Saturday, 16 June 2012

God Moments

Let’s take a look at those moments that come from God – some of those moments bypass us before we realise and say to ourselves ‘God it was you.’

I read recently this from ‘word for today’
At the end of a hard day it feels good to come home to a place you know – a place where you can kick off your shoes, run around in your bathrobe and not worry about what anybody thinks. And reverently speaking God’s presence can become equally comfortable with you too. With time, you can learn to go there for strength, for protection, and for guidance.

God wants you to be at home in His presence and aware of His nearness at all times. We think of God as a deity to discuss instead of a place to dwell, but God wants us to see Him as the One in whom ‘…we love and moves and have our being…’ Acts 17:28. When God led the children of Israel through the wilderness, He didn’t just show up once a day and then disappear. No, the pillar of fire was present with them all night and the cloud of smoke was present with them all day. God never leaves us. Jesus promised, ‘...I am with you always…’ Matt 28:20. The Psalmist said, ‘the one thing I ask of the Lord – the thing I seek most – is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life….’ Ps 27:4. ‘That’s nice’, you say. I’d love to live in God’s house too, but I’m stuck in the real world. ‘No, just the opposite; you are just one decision away from your Father’s presence. You don’t need to change your address – just your perception. Wherever you go today, whatever your face today, remind yourself, “He is with me!’

What joy when I had this for my devotion, it reminded me that the ‘pillar of fire or cloud of smoke’ is always there God is guiding us through each and every day and we can experience His moments with what seems insignificant times as each day unfolds. Sometimes God speaks with us in a storm so that we stop and listen, other times it's a gentle breeze that washes over us so that we sense His love and care - and then there is stillness, the most quiet restful intimate time. How did God share Himself with you today?

Friday, 15 June 2012


The Relentless Tide of God’s Love…

“I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” Psalm 52:8

In the 70’s we lived for a time just outside Townsville with Bluewater Beach a few kilometres away and in the cool of the day after school I would take my girls there to play. We would sit on the beach and watch the waves as they crashed in and washed out again, as they crashed against the rocks with an amazing spray of ocean droplets like diamonds in the late afternoon sun.

The heavy rock formations along the beach were carved in amazing shapes by the waves as the relentless tide took them out and bought them in again.  Thinking back on those years and remembering of sitting and watching the never ceasing motion of the waves, I thought of God’s love. Much like the ocean it beats a steady constant rhythm in our lives, washing over the hard places creating newness that we may marvel at.  Sometimes it comes in gentle waves and warms our hearts.  Other times his love crashes in on us in surprising ways that, catch us off guard.  Yet His love is sure and will never fail us.

Just like the tide that comes in and goes out daily we can rest assured that God’s love is never ending as he continues to create new and wonderful formations in the patterns of our lives. His faithful love can be depended on in the gentle waves that he weaves throughout our lives surrounding us daily.  Though it is not always predictable and tame, God’s love is always good!  Trust it. He is your faithful God and He loves you with an everlasting love.

Elaine Hales

Approach each new day with desire to find Me. Before you get out of bed, I have already been working to prepare the path that will get you through this day. Search for deep treasure as you go through this day. You will find Me all along the way. ~Jesus Calling
 Father God, just like your wonderful creation of sea and waves, Your love never ceases. Thank you for washing over our lives with your amazing love and grace.  Help us to trust your love always, even when it seems hard to understand. Thank you Lord, In Jesus name we pray.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Prayer Page

 If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways ,then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Chronicles 7:14

Did you know that the only thing that can penetrate outer space is PRAYER?

“Sir Isaac Newton, one of the earliest scientists, said that he could take his Telescope and look millions and millions of miles into space, but then he could lay it aside, go into his room shut the door, get down on his knees in earnest prayer, and see more of heaven and get closer to God than he could assisted by all the telescopes and material agencies on earth.”

We are living in days, as he indicated, when men’s hearts are failing them for fear that is why prayer is so pertinent for this hour.

Speaking to God honestly is the beginning of prayer.

A seed is the starting point of all life in this world, we need to look around us and marvel at what God has created freely for all of us and thank him that the best things in life are free. Look at the trees in different shades of green and different shaped leaves, the myriad of colours in the flowers, the different shapes of clouds in the sky.

If we read Psalm 104… we see just a few of the glories of God’s creation that we should worship and praise him for…

One day recently I heard that four (4) things that I had been praying about for others, some for months, others, since the Darling Downs Retreat, had been answered. There is still another one from the Retreat that I am praying for to be answered.

Evelyn Colbran
Prayer Coordinator

 Prayer releases the power and
wisdom of God into a situation

 Prayer Points:

· Thank Him for the freedom we have in this land.
· Pray that we will continue to have religious freedom here and that religious instruction can continue in our schools and for those who teach RE.
· Pray for the following churches within our movement
Acacia Ridge  -  Ann Street  -  Annerley  -  Arana Hills  -  Avenall Heights (Bundaberg)

A Lesson from my Iphone

Nokia, how I loved you,
when I didn’t know there was more!
My Iphone supersedes you,
though it has one great flaw;

Providing so much extra service
Depletes its battery power,
So connection to the source
Is oft needed to empower

‘Tis not unlike myself I think;
Whether I’m at work or play
I’ll often thirst unless I drink
Deeply from His Word each day.

Like my uncharged Iphone I can’t
My whole God-given purpose,
No matter just how ‘chilled’
I might appear on the surface . . .

Without that regular connection
Through fellowship, study and prayer,
To the Source of Perfection;
The One who really cares.

He is always there, His arms open wide,
With His ears finely attuned
To hear whatever I’ll confide;
His healing balm on offer to cover every wound.

He only requires that I be very still
And quietly fully focussed
To hear the direction of His Will
Allowing Him restore what was eaten
by the locust.

Sometimes He draws attention
To a branch that needs pruning
So I can follow His intention
Without weakness or swooning.
The fullness of my battery
Comes directly from God above,
Not from fickle earthly flattery
But from His Divine Love.

So let me keep that power cable
Plugged directly into my heart
So I never believe the fables
That could stray me off my path.

Sue Terry

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Walking with Farmers - Emotions

 Early in May I received a call from out west to say that one of the farm families' sons was found dead in his car in town  --- he was 17 yrs. They found no cause of death, which for the parents is hard to accept.  The funeral was just before Mothers ‘day!  These are the times when my heart breaks for them, especially when they do not know God.  There will be tough times ahead when I see them and share their deep loss.  This is when there is a real need for sensitivity, love, and lots of understanding, as they face the months ahead.   I have the support of a few churches and private people who are getting together some special gifts and other goods for the grieving family. This is to show them how much we care for them and to show Gods' love to them. There have also been donations of money to be used for fuel and as other things are required.  Praise God for these provisions. They are a real blessing.  The words of a poem are a good reminder that everything that we do and say make a difference especially to those whom we love.  The poem is as follows -- Is anybody happier
Because you passed his way?

Does anyone remember that you spoke to him today? 
This day is almost over,
And its yowling time is through;
Is there anyone to utter now a friendly word for you?
Can you say tonight in passing with the days that slipped so fast? 
That you helped a single person of the many that you passed?
Is a single heart rejoicing?
Over one whose hopes were fading
Now with courage look ahead? 
Did you waste the day or lose it? 
Was it well spent?
Did you leave a trail of kindness or a scar of discontent?  

Thought --- ‘Pleasant words are like a honeycomb , sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.’ Proverbs 16: 24

One kind act will teach more love of God than a thousand sermons !! 

The western run the big one is still to be done as illness has prevented me from going out to do Mothers' day. I need to remember that God's timing is always perfect and right. I do get withdrawal symptoms setting in when I haven't seen them for a while. It is hard when the mind is willing but the body is not keeping up. Anyway we just need to keep looking up ... holding His hand ...  Waiting for Him to get it all sorted which He can do a whole better than we ever could do. 
Priscilla Gaston

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Visitor

It was in our midst before we knew it. Everyone froze! “Lord, please protect us,” I silently prayed. We watched, parents with children in their arms, leaders holding children’s hands, children up on the fort knowing not to move or speak. It had entered our playground and slithered under the fort before anyone had noticed. There it was – a shiny, slim, brown body coming out from under our fort and winding its way towards the sandpit. It wasn’t moving quickly, almost sauntering, totally focused on its mission, completely oblivious to our presence. Then it stopped. Lifting its head as it touched the wood of the sandpit; a forked tongue tasted the air. “Oh, Lord, help!”  Any movement to the left or right meant direct contact with children. A child who panicked now would have been within striking distance of this unexpected visitor. No one moved a muscle. Its head lowered and into the sand pit it slithered. “Praise God there were no children in it.”  Reaching the other side our visitor, probably a baby brown snake once again stopped, checked out the surrounds and then continued its journey into the gardens of the car park. Danger past, everyone started to talk at once. Children relived the experience (with added creative tid bits), parents and staff breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you for your protection, Lord,” I prayed.  How good it is to have a Saviour for all situations. 

Our day had been filled with happy experiences no one knew what God had planned for us that afternoon. Life is a precarious business.  Have you ever experienced this?  A medical appointment that confirms disease or a necessary life change; an unexpected phone call to share the news that a loved one has passed or seriously injured; an employer’s decision that suddenly leaves you or your husband unemployed. We don’t know what God’s detailed plan is as we live each day but He gives us assurance that He’ll be there walking with us – if we let Him. “…God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.  So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid…” Hebrews 13 5b – 6a. These words are very pleasant to read if we’re not in desperate need of comfort and help. When we are they are a challenge. Will we really reach out and embrace God and accept all that He gives so we know the peace that passes all understanding or will we allow distress to overcome us, pity to encompass us and bewilderment to overwhelm us? 

I’m reminded of the well-known poem Footprints. It’s a beautiful poem that encourages us to let go in times of trouble and allow our loving Heavenly Father to carry us, to be our helper, constantly by our side every minute of our life. Enjoy….

Footprints in the Sand

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?”
The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”

by Mary Stevenson

Debi Stone
Debi and her husband, Scott live in Bundaberg.  Debi teaches at the local Christian College. She has a passion for writing and enjoys sharing those things the Lord places upon her heart.